
冒险运动在GC -开拓方案发展,以满足学生的需要


冒险运动 Management at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 was a pioneer in the field of adventure studies. It has also served as a magnet for both national and international whitewater events.

GC was the first community college in the nation to offer both a two-year Associate of Applied Science (AAS) and a one-year certificate in 冒险运动 Management, 1992年启动了这个项目. The College made a big splash – both literally and figuratively – by partnering with Allegany and Garrett counties in hosting the 1989 Whitewater World Championships and the 1992 U.S. 独木舟和皮艇白水队奥运会选拔赛. 这两项赛事都在萨维奇河举行.

迈克·洛格斯登, who retired as academic program director for Adventure Sport Management in October 2020, 他说,有几个因素使GC和冒险运动成为一个很好的合作伙伴.

"Its uniqueness – there just weren't any other community colleges doing what we were doing – was a key factor, 再加上地点,洛格斯登说, 谁在1978年成为全职教员. "We had a four-season climate with the physical environment to support this kind of learning. 带着孩子来的父母总会说, “我希望在我上学的时候他们也有这样的东西.'"

“我认为是动手, experiential teaching and the number of certifications students can achieve are two of the reasons for our success,特里·彼得森补充道, 在GC冒险运动的副教授. “最大的卖点是家庭式的氛围, 与志同道合的学生一起工作和学习."


洛格斯登 said the creation of the 冒险运动 Institute to support related activities helped the program grow in the 1990s. 他赞扬了唐·斯托克, 首任ASI执行董事, with playing a lead role in raising the profile of adventure sports activities in that role.

"Don was also the organizing chair for the Olympic trials and worked to foster development of the adventure sports industry,洛格斯登说, 斯托克退休后,谁成为ASI的第二任执行董事. Both 澳门足球博彩官方网址 and the 冒险运动 Institute played supporting roles in the ICF Canoe Slalom World Championships that took place in Deep Creek in 2014.

“迈克洛格斯登, 不知名, and Terry Peterson were early leaders in the program's development on the academic side, 唐·斯托克是经济发展方面的领导者,加勒特学院前校长史蒂夫·赫尔曼说, noting the College's role in helping to launch the 冒险运动 Center on Marsh Mountain.

在学术方面, 冒险运动 Management expanded beyond offering the associate degree and certificate. GC began making available independent third-party certifications from nationally and internationally recognized organizations, 包括美国单板滑雪教练协会(AASI), 美国专业滑雪教练协会(PSIA), 美国独木舟协会, 和美国山地导游协会(AMGA). 其他可用的认证包括美国.S. Department of Transportation-sanctioned Wilderness First Responder (WFR) advanced first aid certification as well as a Leave No Trace (LNT) certification.

"We have the tools and human resources to take our students to the instructor level in two years and create entry-level management graduates,彼得森说。, 谁说学生能获得的证书的数量是一个主要的价值. "I don't think there are any other two-year schools preparing students in this manner."

Peterson and 洛格斯登 said the history of 冒险运动 Management at Garret College has been to set the standard and then continue to evolve to meet the future needs of its students. The latest evolution is the most dramatic, with a comprehensive redesign of the program. 该项目更名为户外领导和冒险教育, 以强调实践的学术重新设计, mini-immersion经验.


A key component of the redesign is a 6-credit course all first-year-students will take (OLA 110 – Foundations of 冒险运动). The course combines the current Back-Country Living course with the current Leave No Trace Instructor course while adding an adventure sports sampler so that all students can "sample" introductory courses in biking, 攀岩和皮划艇.

"OLA 110 provides students with the foundation needed to be successful in all of their other adventure skills courses,副院长露西·曼利说, 冒险运动管理项目的临时主任. "It also gives students a sense of belonging as they develop relationships within their cohort on two mini-expeditions.

"This course also allows students to try out a variety of adventure sports before committing to a particular track of either rock climbing or kayaking,曼利补充道, noting students who complete the course will also be certified as Leave No Trace Trainers.

"The sampler is going to have everyone experiencing all these things together,彼得森说。, 注意到这一点,应进一步加强紧密联系的学生群体的目标. “我真的认为这将使该项目进入下一个阶段."

Manley said the timing of the redesign allowed the College to consider the impact COVID has had on the outdoor recreation industry.

"This afforded us an opportunity to reflect on how COVID has changed the outdoor recreation industry, 以及我们应该如何应对这些变化,曼利说。.

洛格斯登, 谁在该计划的历史发展中发挥了如此关键的作用, 称赞重新设计.

"I think the shift we're seeing in the curriculum will keep GC on the cutting edge of the industry,他说.

该计划将继续作为马里兰州全州指定计划. That designation – which allows 澳门足球博彩官方网址 to offer in-county tuition rates to students from all Maryland counties – is statewide recognition of the uniqueness of this GC program.

Peterson said the scheduling of full-day OLA theory courses will be another improvement built into the redesigned program.

"Something we've been wanting to do for years is have the theory courses be structured as daylong courses where we can take the students out to the field and apply the theory taught in the classroom,彼得森说。.

Peterson said an increased emphasis on soft skills will also be of value to the students.

"We'll be emphasizing topics such as learning styles and teaching styles and giving students the tools to adapt their teaching styles to their environment and their students,彼得森说。.